Terms of Use
The following disclosures are for Cognition Financial LLC.
General Disclaimer
Cognition Financial does not guarantee the future performance of any specific securities or recommendations that the Advisor may recommend. The Client understands that investment recommendations and/or decisions are subject to various markets, currency, economic, political and business risks, and that any or all investment recommendations and/or decisions made may not be profitable. Investing involves risk including the potential loss of principal and no strategy including diversification is guaranteed to protect assets from loss.
Cognition Financial only conducts business in states where it is registered or exempt from registration. Please do not use any of the contact forms, email, or other methods of contact available on the website to send confidential information including things like account numbers and details, social security number, or other sensitive information. Orders or any other form of time-sensitive transactions to buy and sell securities are not permitted through forms on the website, email, text, or other forms of communication available on the website.
Confidentiality Notice
All client contact including email, phone or text are intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain privileged and/or confidential material. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and destroy the message and any copies. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of the message or information included within is strictly prohibited.
Cognition Financial LLC does not store, transmit or receive any client data or data relating to any client accounts on its own public website.
Website Disclaimer
The content provided on this website is for informational purposes only and does not in any way constitute legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. The information is not an offer to sell or buy any securities or other services. Information on this site is general in nature and is not tailored to any individual or their specific needs. Cognition Financial LLC does not provide investment advice in any way outside of our individual client agreements that require client approval and signature and comply with local jurisdiction and state requirements in states where the investment advisor is properly registered.
All information on this website is obtained from sources we believe to be accurate and reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or timeliness of this information or the information of any third-party site linked to this website. Website users assume the sole responsibility of ensuring any data provided on this website is accurate and complete and will be responsible for evaluating any risks associated with the use of this information. Cognition Financial LLC nor our information providers are to be liable for any possible claim for damages that arises from the use of any information or other content made available to you through this site.
Investment Risk
Investments in bonds, individual stocks, exchange traded funds, mutual funds, money market funds, leveraged products, alternative investment products, and any other type of investment product involve risk and may lead to loss of principle. No information or content on investments or investment strategies included in this website guarantees a future return on your investments. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. No one accessing this website should assume that information or content provided on this website can serve as a replacement for individual advice provided by an investment advisor tailored specifically to a client’s unique situation and needs.
A copy of Cognition Financial LLC’s current written disclosure Brochure and Form ADV discussing business operations, services, and fees is available upon written request.